*Dancing is one of her new favorite activities. No matter where she is when she hears music she will stop whatever she is doing and starts to dance. It so cute to watch her bob up and down to the beat.
*Riley is learning sign language and can make the sign for "dog" when she sees one. She will also make the sign, say "dog dog" and look around when we ask her where the dog is. We can tell that she is very impressed with herself and we think that this a great new way to help her communicate with us. We are working with her on some of the other animal signs like cat as well as some signs for common needs like food, more, milk and drink.
*She is now crawling at lightning speed and getting closer and closer to walking on her own. She "cruises" (aka walks around holding onto furniture) and can even stand briefly on her own. She also still loves to walk around with the alligator push toy for practice.
*Riley loves to help me work. Her favorite thing about working is getting to grab all of the paper out the printer and scatter it on the floor...and then of course watching mommy clean it up.