Saturday, October 27, 2012

Pumpkin Pickin!

In keeping with my love for all things fall, it's time for one of my favorite traditions...the pumpkin patch!  This is definitely an outing that we all look forward to and this year we were really excited to have Bunky Ryan and Auntie Kelly with us to hunt for the perfect pumpkin! 
Kelly found a great little family farm east of Denver and unlike the huge and very crowded patch we usually go to, this one we had all to ourselves!  Aside from pumpkins, they had a corn maze which was a first for Riley who was pretty excited to lead the way through, but a little nervous that we might not ever get out. 

They also had a huge inflatable slide that Riley was determined to not to enjoy until her Mama drug her up and tossed her down...then it was all over, we were lucky to get her off to come home with us.

Both of the girls loved the pumpkin patch!  There were so many good pumpkins that it was hard to choose just one.  Riley found about 8 that she was hoping that we could take home, but in the end she settled for a nice medium sized round one and little bitty one.  Piper was just happy just to sit in the dirt and play with the pumpkins and leaves, her favorite part was probably watching the two dogs that followed us out there.

I think that we have found our new favorite spot for punkin pickin!  We left with 4 perfect pumpkins and now we have to carve of these...yikes!

Riley surprised us with her carving skills this year.  She wasn't too crazy about cleaning out the guts, but once we started to poke holes to make her pattern she did an awesome job!  However, she did pick out one of the most complicated patterns that she could find, so after about 2 hours and a little carpel tunnel we had a fairly decent looking Belle for our little princess.

Piper's contibution to the pumpkin prep was her handprints that we used to carve her very own little bitty punkin.  She just enjoyed the view of her big sis getting a little bit crazy.  Riley was a pretty big fan of the pumpkin carving tools, especially the electric ones and she took it upon herself to "fix" our pumpkin lids. 

We are all ready for Halloween...bring on the costumes and candy!

Monday, October 1, 2012

10 Months!

Miss Piper is 10 months old today!  What a big girl!

Our big news for this month is that Miss Piper is now a crawler!  That's right...she is on the move and into EVERYTHING!  We have officially locked the cupboards, bolted the furniture, moved everything up.  Riley has been a fantastic help in keeping eyes on her sis to make sure that she isn't getting into stuff that she shouldn't and she's quick to let me know when Piper is doing something disgusting, like chewing on shoes that are left at the back door. 
Pipey is definitely a character all her own.  She already catches lots of attention for her pint size, but she also sort of commands it as she treats her ride in a shopping cart like she''s beauty queen on parade.  She engages anyone who looks in her direction with the biggest of grins that immediately draws them to her so that we are stopped in our tracks by fellow shoppers.   Now all she needs is to get the hang of "look right, wave left" and we will really be in business!

At 10 months old, Piper loves....
  • Snuggles
  • Emptying everything
  • Kitty wrestling
  • Tasting shoes
  • Being tickled
  • Scrambled eggs
  • Peek-a-boo
  • Splashing

Piper dislikes.....
  • Sleeping
  • Riding in the car
  • Waiting for anything
  • Being fed from a spoon
  • Getting out of the bath

Every month that passes we fall more and more in love with the sweet, beautiful little girl that our Piper is.  I love watching her discover all of the new things around her, listening to her little dinosaur roars from the back seat, her excited two handed waves and her slobbery open mouthed kisses. 

I am soooo excited for the month ahead and our punkin's first Halloween!