We decided to pack up Miss Riley and spend our 4th of July in the mountains this year. Our friends, the Wilbourns and the Shoemakes are escaping the Texas heat with a Colorado vacation so we met them up at their Frisco cabin for some celebrating. We are always excited to see our friends and Riley was so excited to get to see her friend Audrey. She's only been talking about this visit from the moment I told her about it more than a month ago. I realized after I had told her about that it might be best to withhold this kind of information until a little bit closer to the actual event, trying to explain time to a toddler is an exercise in futility.
We got up the hill just in time to head off to the Frisco 4th of July parade. I loved attending that parade as a kid and I was excited to take Riley. It took her no time at all to get into the spirit of the day and she particularly loved that there was candy, beads and popsicles thrown to the kids along the street. By the time the parade had ended, she had worn herself out and her cute white 4th of July sweatshirt had spots of Startburst drool, Otterpop juice and some mac 'n cheese. It was a success!
Kerri and I attempting to get a picture with our girls, neither of them was having it
Riley with her hard fought OtterPop
Daddy had to give her a little help in eating her prize
After a little nap, Riley was rested and ready for her 2nd round of fun. She and her buddy Audrey spent the afternoon digging in the dirt and having a great time.
It would not be the 4th of July without Gigi's homemade ice cream and both girls excitedly took a break from their dirt bath to help lick the dasher. It started off as a fairly civilized taste
and quickly errupted into an all out ice cream frenzy....
I'm pretty sure that they both enjoyed the treat!
Riley got to view her first fireworks display on Friday night at the Nichols downtown condo and was not a big fan. Her intial reaction to the sound and lights was a horrified expression followed by "I don't want to see the fireworks, I want to go to bed!". She did come around to watching them for a little while but really preferred to see the show through the window as opposed to out on the balcony. When the show was over she was emphatic " We never, never, see the fireworks again!". So, when the opportunity arose to watch the fireworks over Frisco Bay, Riley Roo preferred a different kind of show...Finding Nemo with her buddy Audrey.
We spent that night with Gigi and Popdaddy at a Breckenridge condo and spent just a little bit more time in Frisco this morning before making a the long drive back down. Holiday back out of the mountains was not fun, but it was totally worth it, we had so much fun! Plus, Roo kept us entertained with her singing the whole way back. Happy 4th!