Happy Thanksgiving! We had a really great 1st Thanksgiving with Riley
Our Turkey Day started off with the 1st annual "Turkey Bowl" at Rainbow park. It was really chilly out that morning so we we bundled Riley up in her new furry suit to go watch the football game
Riley and Aunt Kelly cheering for her Daddy, Uncle Ry and Popdaddy
After the game, we went back to the Galiffa's house to warm up with some really delicious Caplets and Riley got to play with her new friend Grace...they were too busy to look up for the camera.
In an effort to continue our all day feasting, we had our Thanksgiving dinner at the Nelson's this year and were joined by my mom and dad. Even though she is working to expand her repertoire of purees, she's not quite ready for to partake in the all of the yummy Thanksgiving food, but she'll have next year to look forward to some Turkey and pie.
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