Wednesday, February 18, 2009


For the past few weeks Riley and I have been going to parent-child swimming lessons at APEX, our local rec center. I figured that this would be a fun winter activity to get us out of the house and also a good way to get Riley used to the water so that when summer comes around we can spend lots of time in Gigi and Popdaddy's pool.

She is learning how to kick her legs and float on her tummy

Swim for toys floating in the water

And float on her back!

She also has a very cool post-swim mohawk


Sweet Baby James said...

Yay for new pictures! (it must be the new camera and eye-fi card-huh?) And could she be any cuter swimming? That last picture is adorable!

Mommy said...

Those are adorable!!! I love her swimsuits and post swim hair. Yea for Swim lessons.