Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Hello Texas, it sure is good to see you again!

We spent part of last week and the begining of this week visiting Popdaddy and some friends in Texas.  This was Riley's 2nd trip to the Lonestar state and we all had a great time! My dad's company is based in Houston and because he divides his time between Texas and Colorado, we have been anxious to visit down there to see where he lives and works while he is away.

We loved his apartment and Riley especially loved the location which was near 3 huge fountains that we passed almost everytime we drove to or from Popdaddy's house.  She always knew that they were coming and made sure to announce..."fountains coming up!". 
Riley in her new hiding spot

Riley in her Patara Oil and Gas hard hat at Popdaddy's houston office

My Mom and Dad took us to some of their fave places to eat and we had some really great food.  We even went to real crawfish boil on our first night in town, Kris was in heaven...Riley and I passed on the mudbugs and waited for the Mexican food that came after, but it was fun to watch!  Riley's fave eating spot was probably the Blue Bell Creamery.  On our last day, we spent a couple of hours driving out to Brenham Texas for some really good ice cream.  Riley got her pick of flavors and decided on Homemade Vanilla, she loved 
every bite!
We also hit up a couple of gourmet markets that we all wish we had closer to home. Riley really liked the pint sized grocery carts, too bad they don't have those where we shop at home, it would definitely make grocery shopping more pleasant for both of us!

As an added bonus, some of our best family friends, the Wilbourns, live down there as well and they invited all of us to come and spend a couple of days at their house.  Their daughter, onne of my oldest and best friends, Kerri came down from Dallas with her husband Cory and little Audrey.  We hadn't seen them since July, so we were really excited to see them.  Riley and Audrey are only 5 days apart in age and destined to be BFFs I hope.  They had so much fun playing together and particularly liked playing hide and seek and chasing each other around the house.  Riley would hide and call out "Audrey...where are you?" and Audrey would run to find her.  They also thought it was pretty good to "hide" together by flattening themselves against the wall and standing very still and quiet (Riley thinks this pose makes her invisible) while they waited to be found. It was pretty cute to watch them together as evidenced by the obscene amount of pictures we took.
Little BFFs in matching outfits of course
We had such a great time exploring around Houston and can't wait to go back, we love Texas!]
Riding the airport shuttle with Gigi, time to go home!

1 comment:

Sweet Baby James said...

Love the pics of Riley and Audrey-too cute. And James totally hides the same way-standing against a wall with his eyes closed. I love it! Glad you guys had a good trip!