Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Riley's cousin Reece came up from Oklahoma this past weekend and Riley was soooo excited to have her here.  She talked for days about Reece coming and could not wait to swim with her, take her to the dragon park and just play. I think Cyd and Reece was also pretty excited to do just about anything outside minus the raging heat and humidty they have had all summer in Oklahoma. 

Getting ready to share some blueberry pancakes at Snooze

Playing at one Riley's favorite places, the Dragon Park
The big sister in Riley is starting to emerge and Reece was a great sport when Riley decided to test out some of her skills. She loved helping Reece buckle and unbuckle from her carseat and get dressed. Then she would proceed to make sure that we changed her clothes too so that she could more closely match what Reece was wearing. They at least had to be wearing the same color :)
Riley and her Gigi have a book of poems that they read together and one of Riley's faves is called 'The Yak'.  Here a little video of her reciting the poem to Reece.

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