Sunday, October 16, 2011

Fall Fun!

September came and went so fast and October seems to be going by just as quickly!   We have been having some fun this fall and getting ready for our new baby to arrive next month...we are so excited to meet her!  However, I have completely neglected our blog for the past month and half so I thought a little catch-up was in order. 
Riley loves her school!  She has been learning new things, having lots of fun and making friends. 
Here is a pic of Riley and the kids from her school on the day the firefighters came for a of her favorite days so far.
Our weather has been beautiful and we have been trying to make the most of it and get outdoors as often as we can.  Riley loves to go hiking with her Gigi and one of her favorite spots is on top of lookout mountain where there are plenty for rocks for her to climb and jump.
And what could be more fun in the fall than an apple orchard?  We discovered a really cute orchard up in Longmont where you can pick your own apples if you make a reservation early in the year...but for the 2nd year in a row I have managed to be too late to get our name on the list.  We still got to meet our friends the Nichols and a couple of their friends for a picnic and hayride in the orchard and Riley bought a basket of carrots to feed the donkeys and horses that live there.  We bought some apples to take home with us and also discovered apple cider new fave treat. 

It has even been warm enough to our little fish to get in a few more afternoons of swimming.  She has turned into an amazing little swimmer this summer and our goal is to keep her swimming through the winter so that she can pick right up again next year.
Every year in October the circus comes to town around Kris' birthday and he has fond memories of the times when his mom took as a kid.  I don't really share their love for this event, so the circus is now a tradition that Kris, Riley and Grandma have together.  She came home with a new pet elephant and told me all about the tricks the elephants did, the angry tiger and the hilarious clowns.

One of Riley's favorite people came for a visit....Bunky Ryan!

Alaska is so far away that we don't get to see Uncle Ry and Auntie Kelly very often and we miss them terribly.  Riley could not have been more excited to have her Bunky Ryan here for almost 2 weeks.  She could not get enough of him and pretty much didn't let him out of her site.
One of Riley's fave places is still the zoo so of course she wanted to spend the afternoon there with Ry and Gigi too.
We also loved getting to see Auntie Kelly too, but her visit was much shorter so we're looking forward to them being home for Christmas.  The night before they left, we celebrated Kris' birthday with our family and Kelly's family at Earnie's, one of our new favorite restaurants.  What could be wrong with a place that has
great Italian food and skee ball? 

Riley playing skee ball with her daddy

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