Tuesday, April 24, 2012

4 Years Old!

It is hard for me to believe that 4 years have passed since we first laid eyes on our sweet Riley Roo!  I'm pretty sure that we did have fun before our girls came into our lives, but it's impossible for me to remember a happier time than these past 4 years. 
I have been pretty sure of Riley's personality from the moment I met her and I love to see it evolve with each new year.  As she reaches her 4th birthday, there are so many things that make her the special little person that she is, but here are a few of things I want to remember about this place in her life.  She is very sweet, sensitive, thoughtful and the best big sister to our baby.  Miss R is still a very extroverted kid who is rarely shy, but doesn't like being the center of attention.  She is happy to play by herself, but really loves when she has her friends to play with and has no problems whatsoever with approaching new kids.  Riley is extremely independent and wants to do EVERYTHING for herself.  She is easily frustrated when things don't come to her on the first try, but she is determined and will work at it whatever it is until she masters it.  She can now fully buckle and unbuckle from her carseat (a huge help to me now that I have 2 carseats to deal with) and while I was nursing Piper the other day she decided that she didn't need my help in reheating some chicken nuggets in the microwave. She even got out a 2nd plate so that the carrots and ketchup wouldn't get hot.  While her independence is a blessing, I am very thankful that she hasn't completely lost the need for me at 4, she still loves to be snuggled, read to and is always my eager little helper.  She is what I would call a chicken nugget eating vegetarian, a chocoholic and a lover of pasta!  Her favorite breakfast food is cinnamon rolls, but most mornings she has cottage cheese pancakes with peanut butter.  Even though she has been a talker from what seems like the minute she opened her eyes, she still surprises us with her vocabulary and her use of some pretty big words like incidentally.  There is rarely a quiet moment with Roo, from the minutet she opens her eyes in the morning, she is talking or singing.  Her favorite songs are the ones that she makes up and most of her other faves are Christmas songs, particularly Jingle Bells.  She loves dress-up, pretend play, reading and is still all about anything princess!   We have loved watching the growth and changes that each year brings and we are loving everything about the little person our Riley is becoming!
Her big birthday bash with her friends will be on Saturday, but we had a little celebration with our family today.  Riley woke up to a special birthday breakfast and I'm pretty sure that when you get to start off with a cherry turnover chances are it's going to be a good day!  Tuesdays are usually a school day for Roo, but today was an in-service day so she got to hang out at the park with her friend Zoe instead.  She was a little bit bummed to miss school today because they get to bring in a special treat for snack time, but she'll get to do that on Thursday instead...this way we don't have all our birthday fun on just one day.
Grandma, Grandpa, Gigi, Popdaddy, Bunky Ry and Auntie Kelly came over to shower the birthday girl with gifts and attention.  Riley had decided on pizza for dinner (hers had mandarin oranges and pineapple) and chocolate cake with pink vanilla frosting. 

We had such an awesome day celebrating our birthday girl!
We love you Riley Roo, Happy Birthday!!!

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