Friday, June 1, 2012

6 Months Old!

Happy half birthday to Piper, she is 6 months old today!!!  We have been busy, busy this past month and Miss Piper has had some exciting firsts!  First beach, first swim, first teeth and first food! 
We took our girls to the Florida and got to watch as they both experienced the beach for the very first time.  Riley was probably a bigger fan of the whole thing than her baby sis, but still, Piper was perfect on her first big trip and she loved wiggling her toes in the wet sand and sticking her feet in the ocean.  I have a lot of pics to go through from our trip, so that will be a whole other post, but here are a couple of our little beach bums...
Piper has always loved her bath time, so I was pretty sure that she was going to love the pool and while we were in Florida she went for her first dip!  She had so much fun splashing in the cool the definitely helped erase some of the misery that the heat and humidity were causing her.

For about the past 3 months, Piper has been teething on anything that she can get her hands on and just this month her bottom 2 teeth have finally worked their way to the surface.  She has loves, loves, loves to chew on the bottom of cups filled with anything ice cold and is pretty aggressive in getting a hold of them.  Through her need to grab at everything and shove it into her mouth, she has also acquired a taste for cardboard packaging.  We have learned to keep everything out of arms reach lately, she has very quick hands!
We felt like at 6 months Miss Piper is ready to start on some solids, so we have started experimenting with first foods!  So far she has sampled brown rice cereal and also bananas, every day a little more goes in than comes out and I hope to keep adding new foods every few days.  The highlight of meal time for her seems to be grabbing the spoon away from me and chewing on it between bites.
Piper has been working really hard on new tricks this month, particularly sitting up.  She can usually manage to sit all by herself for a few seconds before toppling and just this past week she has started to use her arms to steady herself so I'm thinking that she's just about mastered it. 
Our little Pipey continues to be a happy, smiley, squeally, snuggly, sweet little girl and we all are enjoying every minute of watching her grow!  She still thinks that Riley is the most hilarious person that she has yet meet and gives alway lots of big grins to everyone that she meets.  At her check-up this month, she weighed 10 lbs 8 oz which is still well below the 3rd percentile, but her height and head circumference are holding steading.  Those measurements coupled with the fact that she is meeting all of her milestones means that our bitsy is getting enough to eat, but just gaining slowly.  I never thought with our girls being born in completely different seasons that Piper would be able to wear a lot of Riley's clothes that we had saved, but right now she is wearing the 0-3 and 3-6 month stuff that Riley wore the summer after she was born.  I am hoping that maybe some of the new foods that she will be trying in the next month will help her to pack on a few extra ounces before her weight check next month, I'm pretty sure that she is going to fall in love with my cooking.  

1 comment:

Sweet Baby James said...

She is such a sweet little peanut. I just love her cute smiles!