Sunday, December 23, 2012

Santa Party!

This was our 5th year hosting our annual Santa party!  It's hard to believe that the babies we started this tradition have already celebrated that many Christmases.  What once began as an adult cocktail party with a handful of babes crawling around has now blossomed into a full on, kid crazy, Santa celebration!
Each year we add new faces either as friends or new siblings to join this rambunctious group and it also seems that our party changes in some small way from one year to the next.  This year we decided to move our visit with Santa to the morning and have our friends over for breakfast in their favorite Christmas jammies!  We look forward to having our friends over for this holiday gathering every year and it just seems to get better and better. 
Audrina reading to her friends, sooo cute!
What is not to love about pancakes, especially ones that are shaped likes elves, snowmen and reindeer!
We somehow get lucky, because Santa does not disappoint with his early stop by our house to hand out a special little present to each of the kids.  This was the first year since she was baby that she willingly sat on his lap and even told him what she wanted for Christmas.  The most important things seem to be a scooter and bow and arrow set like Merida has in Brave.  Even Piper was pretty game for sitting with Santa for a minute.  Success!




And what Christmas jammie Santa breakfast would be complete without a Nichols/Nelson kid group shot?  We have to have plenty of photos for the someday wedding slideshow!

This year was probably our best yet, so we just may have settled into the perfect party theme and will definitely look forward to more pancakes and pj's for next year! 

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