Friday, November 1, 2013

Happy Halloween!

The biggest of our littles had a fabulous Halloween this year!  In fact, you know you know that it's going to be a pretty good year when you have enough dress-up occasions to make use of 2 costumes like Riley Roo.
Piper was a little mouse this year, it was the perfect fit for our peanuts personality.  Like most kids who are discovering this holiday for the first time, the whole concept was a hit.  Walk around looking cute and get candy...what's not to love?
Riley was on fall break the week before Halloween, so we managed to get in a trip to one of the their favorite places, The Children's Museum, for their celebration.  We also did Boo at the Zoo after dark and Pomona's trick or treat street.   We had more candy than we needed before the actual holiday arrived, but both girls just loved getting dressed up! 
On Halloween, there was a great little party at the Riley's school to start things off and then we headed to the annual pre-trick or treat pizza party at the Abote's before setting our kids loose on the neighborhood.  For the kindergarteners, there was no walking this was a mad dash from house to house on the hunt for candy.  It was sooo windy and a little cold, but Piper insisted on walking and sobbed most of the way, but she refused to give up on trick or treating.  So we followed her as she walked very slowly from house to house with her pumpkin over one arm and a candy bar in the other hand.  Olivia was dressed in her skeleton outfit and snuggled into the stroller for the night, perfectly happy to sleep away her 1st Halloween.

Riley was quite proud of her stash of candy this year and a little territorial over it too.  It used to be so easy for Mom and Dad to get away with eating her treats, darn!  A totally happy, fun and successful Halloween!

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