Thursday, April 24, 2014

Birthday Girl, Riley Roo!!!

Happy 6th birthday to our crazy, sweet, red cowboy boot wearing princess!
My first baby girl, the one who made me a mommy is now 6 and keeps reminding me that she is almost a 1st grader.  It is amazing how seemlessly she has transitioned from from this teeny tiny baby into a beautiful little girl.  It seems to have happened overnight that this little miss who needed us for so many things is now proud to be doing so many things for herself.  We now have this Kindergartener who can read and write, loves to cook and help with laundy.  Each year as I look back on the year before, I am amazed at my Roo and the changes that are unfolding so quickly in her life.  I want so badly to slow down time, but at the same time I am eager for to see what the next year will bring for her.  
At 6 years old I love that Riley sings and dances spontaneously throughout her day, is never too busy for her little sisters and always has room for dessert.  She is good friend and an awesome teammate.  She loves ballet, Girl Scouts and soccer too...or maybe it's just the friends she gets to hang with when she does them.  She is definitely a little social butterfly and the best audience ever for a silly joke and never afraid to show her ornery side.  I love the new sweet grin that has emerged over the past year from all of the teeth she has lost.  I love that she has worked and worked to conquer the monkey bars this year and wears the blisters on her hands like a badge of honor.  I love that she is too cool for princesses, but secretly not.  I love that my little bookworm is now a reader herself and the way that she beams with pride when she shares this new skill with us.  
Riley's favorite color is black, because bats are black and they are her favorite animal.  Her favorite foods are raspberries and enchiladas (in her own words "she is in love with enchiladas"), her favorite school lunch is french toast and she lives for recess and loves history.  She has become a true artist in  drawing rainbows and hearts and she's also a budding photographer. Her favorite dessert is ice cream and she always singing, her current hit is "Happy".  Her favorite movie is a tie between Frozen and Despicable Me 2 and her favorite cartoon is My Little Pony.  She loves being tickled, eating out, chewing gum and sleeping with mama's childhood teddy bear.

For her birthday celebration, our family joined us to spoil our new 6 year old and Roo chose pizza from Parisi and purple confetti cake.  


We're pretty obsessed with our Roo, just as we have been from the first moment we laid eyes on her.  I have now doubt that the next year will be filled with amazing things!  Happy Birthday Riley!!!!  We love you sooooo much!  

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