Sunday, September 14, 2014

Olivia is 1!!!!

It is impossible for me to believe that a year has passed since we first laid eyes on our Olivia.  A little Miss who greeted the world a few weeks early, so full of sweetness, softness and the chubbiest baby cheeks you have ever seen. 
A little person who, from the moment we met, so very perfectly completed the part of our family we never knew was missing.  It's a place all her own that she fills just perfectly, the baby of our family.  The past year has been a whirlwind of happy moments as we have watched our littlest Nelson grow from a tiny baby to a curious toddler and we can't wait for the next year ahead!
We had thought it might be too good to be true that this little person could be so happy and contented, all. the. time...but at 1 Olivia is still the happiest baby around.  Smiling is definitely her thing and I love that!  She is easy to get a laugh out of and it doesn't hurt that her entire body is ticklish. 
We can't get enough of her expressions and her sweet little teasing eyes.  I am absolutely in love with her facial expressions, especially the way that she shapes her mouth into a perfect "o"  and the exaggerated face she makes when she says "uh-ooooooh". 

I'm pretty sure she revels in her spot as the youngest person in our family as she seems to be in no hurry to outgrow her baby-ness.  She is playful, bashful and just so, so sweet!  She has her big sisters completely wrapped around her little finger and they are her best friends.  They will do anything to make her smile and she will likewise do just about anything to make them laugh.  She loves when we sing, she loves when we read and she
For a baby who took a long time to get used to the idea of eating solid foods, she has wasted no time getting her grub on.  We jokingly refer to her as our little garbage disposal because she will eat just about anything we give her and she eats a lot, just contented to sit in her chair and feast.  We love it!  Seriously, I have no idea how we deserve such an easy little girl.
We completely adore every part and piece of you Viv, Liv, Livvy, Vivi, Vivia, Lulu!  Our sweet baby, now 1 year old we can't wait to keep watching you as you grow! 
 Happy Birthday Baby Girl!


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