Sunday, December 20, 2009

Ho Ho Ho!

Yesterday we hosted our 2nd annual Santa Party.  We invited our friends and of course the Big Guy himself to our house for some holiday fun.  This year most of the little ones were no longer babies, but adorable toddlers who had mixed feelings about seeing Santa or more to the point, about sitting on Santas lap. 

Riley, who was all smiles last year had a slightly different reaction to Mr. C this year.  She was so excited about her party and made sure to tell everyone that "Santas coming" as they came in, but her excitement slowly faded away when our guest of honor arrived.  She started off okay....

Then retreated up the stairs a bit to get a view of Santa from afar...

Then completely lost it when it was her turn to sit on his lap

While she made it completely clear that she did not want anything to do with sitting on his lap, she could not take her eyes off of him.  She would move as far away from his as she could get, but then would crane her neck to look watch his every move.  So while she was scared of him she was still pretty fascinated by him too.

Getting a little more confident, she actually let her Gigi hold her while she touched his beard.  Baby steps, maybe next year they will be back to being pals.

Her cousin Isabella felt about the same with regard to Santa...

Lucky for Santa, not everyone shared Riley's skeptism and most were pretty happy to see him.  Our friend James and the big guys were good buddies....

Alec was not completely sure about the whole thing either...

Audrina needed a little convincing too, but felt better with her mom there.
Taylor and Chloe looking cute!

Holden was also a fan and asked Santa for a dinosaur, but not a real one.

We are so greatful that Santa likes us enough to make a special pre-Christmas appearance at our house and  so lucky to have such great friends to share the holidays with!


Sweet Baby James said...

Such a fun tradition! And seriously, I am still not over that cake. I am a little sad we didn't eat any, but if I had made a cake that looked that amazing, I wouldn't have cut into it either!!

Erin Sungy said...

Thanks so much for hosting Holland - so much fun! We are serioulsy flying in from Chi town next year to attend.