Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Last weekend, my cousin Tyler and his new bride, Valerie, celebrated their wedding in a really pretty little resort town in Arkansas, so we headed down to Eureka Springs for the big event!  This was our first time traveling with two kids and it helped that Gigi, Pop, Bunky Ry and Auntie Kelly were with us to help navigate the airport with all of our extra luggage.  Aside from the increase in baggage, it was a pretty easy trip...I think our two are at perfect ages for travel right now.
Big sis and baby sis waiting for the plane!

My little ear rubber all ready for take off!  Riley is a pro at flying and was great during our short flight.  Her favorite new game, Ono, was the perfect distraction.
Piper was pretty excited about her first plane ride too!  She nursed and then slept the whole rest of the way.
Riley with her daddy and Piper with Autie Kelly at the rehearsal dinner.
The wedding was absolutely beautiful and we had so much fun seeing our family!  This was the first time that some of our family has met Piper and we also got to meet our new cousin Nate who was born in February. 
Riley was so excited to see her cousin Reece again!  They had so much fun running around with each other, swimming in the pool at the hotel and dancing!
Riley also danced with her other fave cousin, Maddie
For Miss R the 2nd best part of a wedding, aside from the ample opportunities to bust a move, is the cake!  She decided she should hang out right at the cake table so that she would be first in line.  She had a little piece of white wedding cake to tide her over until she got what she was really after...the chocolate grooms cake. 
Lucky for her, Aunt Judi had also snagged her a chocolate covered strawberry too!
Piper was the perfect party guest and spent alot of time in the arms of some of her favorite people.

She also did alot of sleeping in her favorite spot
Before we left to head back home, we got to spend an afternoon with my Great Aunt Katherine and some 2nd cousins who live in Arkansas too.  It was a fantastic trip and like always when we come together with our family, we had a great time!


Sweet Baby James said...

Piper dressed up is almost more than I can handle. Love her! Looks like a fun wedding!

Jessica said...

Love the pics from the wedding. Congrats to Tyler.