Thursday, March 1, 2012

Piper's 3 Months Old!

Piper is 3 months old today!  We are getting to know our sweet baby girl better and better every day as she is growing, getting stronger and spending more and more time with her eyes open.  She is a happy baby when she is awake she is so alert and all too happy to give us great big grins...I think that she uses her entire face when she smiles.  We can't get enough of listening to her coo and babble at us and watching her facial expressions, she loves to raise an eyebrow at us.  She even gives a little laugh every now and then!

While she's still pretty bitty...Piper has definitely been growing!  Riley told us the other day that Piper's head is definitely getting bigger.  We're now able to dress her in some of her 0-3 month outfits along with her newborn gear.  I've been a little excited for her to finally fit into some of the bigger outfits that we bought not knowing that our baby was going to be such a little peanut.  She has also been getting stronger and much more coordinated.  She loves to kick her legs, stand up with our help and is trying very hard to roll over from her tummy to her back.  They sometimes still have a mind of their own, but Piper is pretty obsessed with her little hands and spends alot of time trying to cram fingers and even whole fists into her mouth.  When they aren't being chewed on, she also likes to watch them or keep them clasped in front of her which is pretty darn cute too!

Already we feel like we know her little personality and there are some definite differences between Piper and her very independent older sister.  Riley was an equal opportunity baby and gave pretty much everyone a chance, Piper is a total mamma's girl and doesn't really see the need to let anyone else get more than about 5 minutes to love on her.  She is still loving to be wrapped to me most days, but has also started to let me lay her down in bassinet or play mat for small bits of time while she chats with the animals that hang above her. 

She loves to be smiled at and talked to and I think that she is already finds her boisterous big sis, Riley, pretty entertaining.  She also loves to be in the bath and splashes her arms and legs like crazy in the warm water.  We can't get enough of our baby girl!

1 comment:

Sweet Baby James said...

I can not get over how cute Piper is. Seriously. And those bird pants are about off the charts in the cute department!