Monday, December 1, 2014

Happy Birthday Piper!

Our Piper Ryan is 3 years old today!  How did that happen?!  Time is moving impossibly fast and the past year has been no exception.  Our sweet Pipey is becoming much more a little girl than a toddler and we are loving every piece and part that makes up our little peanut!
Piper's first day as a 3 year old started off with a special breakfast prepared by our elf "Udolf".  Powdered sugar and doughnuts are the perfect way to kick off a day of celebration.  With his arrival for the holiday season Udolf brought special new plates and placements, new jammies and an elf doll to play with

We finished our day with a family birthday celebration complete with cherry chip cake and lots of frosting with sprinkles.  Oh and maybe a present or two...


At 3 years old, Piper is 20.4 lbs and 34 inches tall.  She is strong and limber and is the perfect size for the gymnastics that she loves so much! 
Piper talks almost non-stop...I'm pretty sure that we don't miss out on hearing a single thought that passes through her mind, which is just fine by me because I absolutely love her voice at this age.  It also makes for lots of giggles from all of us as so many things that go on in the mind of a 3 year old amount to lots of silliness.  But that aside, she totally impresses us with how clearly she speaks, the questions she asks and the words that she knows.  She has even started to memorize the pages in some of her favorite books and recite them back to us perfectly.  Her current favorite is the "The Big Hungry Bear and the Red, Ripe Strawberry".

She is a total comedian and quite often has us laughing to the point of tears.  My favorite skit right now goes a little something like this....
"Yes Piper"
"No, I'm talking to pretend Mama"

While her silly side is something we see a lot, she is also very sweet and thoughtful.  I love that she calls dandelions "wishes", that her favorite spot to fall asleep is cuddling with her "sissy" and that she is my "little mama" who is always looking out her sisters.  She is tiny person with the biggest heart and our little spider monkey who gives hugs with her whole body.  She has a craving for salty foods and loves hot sauce like her Daddy.  She can also be very sneaky...she is not to be trusted around candy.
Piper's  favorite cartoon is Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, her favorite song is Baby Beluga, she loves to read "Pete the Cat", would exist entirely on pepperoni and hot chocolate if she could and says that blue is her favorite color.  Her favorite animals are flamingos and giraffes and she loves to draw faces and paint and her best friends are her sisters. 
We are in love with all of the things that make Piper the amazing, spunky little person that she is!  She has settled so perfectly into the middle of our family and we are so glad that she is all ours! 
 I cannot wait to see what this next year will bring for you,  Happy 3rd Birthday sweet girl! 

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