Thursday, December 15, 2011

Holiday Program

Riley has had so much fun at preschool these past few months and Kris and I have loved seeing all of the fun that school brings to her.  We have especially looked forward to the holiday parties and programs that she has now.  Our little Miss loves to sing, so after hearing her practice little bits and pieces of the songs around the house I couldn't wait to see her sing in the Christmas program. 

She was excellent in her first on-stage debut!  They sang Hear His Bells, Christmas Bells, Jingle Bells, I'm a Little Christmas Tree, My Peppermint Stick, Ten Little Angels, The Lights on the Tree and The Reindeer Pokey.  She sang every song and was so excited to have Gigi, Grandma, Grandpa, Kaitlyn, Mommy, Daddy and Piper all watching her from the front row.  We are so proud of her!

1 comment:

Sweet Baby James said...

These pictures could not be any cuter! I love Riley. Preschool programs have to be the cutest thing in the world!