Sunday, August 11, 2013

Piper Update

Okay, so clearly I am not nearly as quick on my blog posts as I used to be and Miss P is very deserving of an 18 month update, but it has become such a work in progress that we have moved into more of an 18/19 month post.  Piper is in such a fun stage right now and there are so many things that I want to remember about her at 1 1/ are few of my favorite things.
  • HUGE hugs....and by that I am talking about the kind of squeezes where she bear hugs you with her arms and legs.  None of us can get enough!
  • The way that she says "yeah" or "no,no,no" when we ask her a question
  • She's my little helper and loves to be given a job to do
  • Puddle dances
  • Almost anything makes a good hat
  • Good morning greetings.... "Hi Sissy, hi sissy, hi sissy!"
  • The way that she calls for Gigi and Pop that sounds more like a command.
  • Her messiness 
  • That she already has a preference when it comes to her clothes.
  • The way that she kind of scurries when she walks
  • Her bebo (belly button) is her comfort thing, she looses her mind over crushed ice and she loves her baby dolls
Piper is definitely enjoying summertime and her favorite thing to do is get soaking wet.  She is guaranteed to drench herself is she can find an unattended hose, puddle or even a cup of water.  We've been spending a lot of time getting wet in the pool too, and we can tell the Pipey is going to a fish just like Riley someday.  It's not a huge surprise that one of our little daredevil's favorite things to do is jump in from side, but she also getting pretty good at kicking, splashing a blowing bubbles.

She is still a climber and she and Roo together are trouble.  It's easy to see the way that she studies her big sis and then tries to imitate the things that she does.  Roo likes to jump the last five stairs and Piper will hop the last one.  As for climbing, there seems to be no obstacle that she is not willing conquer and she can pretty easily rearrange furniture and toys to help her in her efforts. 
Pipey has continued to get more independence as she grows, but she is still a little shy and definitely a mama's girl.  We started a creative playgroup at the Arvada Center this summer so that she might start to be more comfortable around kids her own age.  So far we have discovered that she loves arts and crafts, especially paint, but really dislikes being in a class full of toddlers.  Her teeniness makes it tough for kids to respect her personal space, they want to hug and kiss her and hold her or try to pick her up, which she absolutely can't stand and so she comes running back to me to rescue.  She does much better in less structured environments with other kids, like when we go to the park or the library, but the classroom setting definitely freaks her out.  It's a good thing that preschool is still a long way away.  For now, her favorite person to play with is her sissy.  They get each other perfectly!

I can't get enough of our little peanut and we all adore the sweet little girl that she is becoming.  She is an adventurous eater, who gives awesome snuggles, sleeps like a champ and makes the silliest/cutest expressions.  We love her so much!!!!!

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