Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas Eve

Christmas comes and goes in the blink of an eye and this years holiday season has gone exceptionally fast!  This is without a doubt my favorite time of year and I so wish that I could make this holiday last even longer, but that said, it's probably best that it doesn't because here we are on Christmas Eve and I'm pretty sure if the anticipation were to build any more my children would burst!  We're just looking forward to the next two days being filled with lots of smiles and time spent in the company of our favorite people!
Our Christmas Eve started with a Nelson family breakfast at Grandma and Grandpa's house. 
There was lots of yummy food, plenty of snuggles for Olivia and presents to open for an eager Riley and Piper.


Uncle Nick finally got the "butt flap" p.j.s that he has coveted for a long, long time...
After a lazy afternoon and some napping, we headed to church for the children's mass, which was made even more special this year with Riley singing in the choir.  Our little miss loves to sing and she spent 3 hours a day for 3 Saturdays in a row practicing with the choir to perform during the Christmas Eve mass.  She did a fabulous job! 
We continued our Christmas Eve celebration with a family dinner at Gigi and Pop's complete with Aunt Judi and Uncle John from Oklahoma.
Before changing into Christmas p.j.s I decided we needed a few pics of our girls in their pretty dresses.  I have decided with the addition of a 3rd child, it is nearly impossible to obtain a perfect picture of them all at once...
but these silly girls are absolutely my favorite!
Now enough of the posing for pics and onto the spoiling!
Who needs striped themed Christmas pajamas when your Auntie Kelly and Bunky Ryan give you the most perfect nightgown ever (Elsa from the movie Frozen is a pretty big deal around our house right now)?! 
Presents, shmesents!  Olivia was all to happy to spend her day snuggling and bonding.

 A new baby doll and stroller made this little mama one happy girl!


What a perfect day and now home to nestle our munchkins in bed and wait for Santa!

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