Monday, December 2, 2013

Piper the 2 Year Old

Our sweet little peanut is 2 years old!  It is hard to imagine how 2 years have flown by since that snowy December 1st, when we first met our Pipey.  We could tell from the beginning that Piper would have a personality all her own and we have loved watching her grow from a baby into the incredibly lovey, silly, loud and crazy toddler that she is today!

At 2 years old, Piper is silly, sweet, little chatterbox.  I love that she teases us,  gives the tightest squeezes and says things like "awefum"!  She is anything but the quite and shy little person I had her pegged for.  Our house is filled with lots of noise right now, both in the form of defiant screams of "I do it!!!!" and also lots of laughter when she and her BFF, Riley, are playing together.  She is completely untrustworthy with markers, but loves to color and draw. 
Pipey is the best little and big sister that Riley and Olivia could ever have, the most rested person in our family and/or the person who likes to ret the most and a total dairy fiend.  Her hearing is supersonic when the word "bath" is used in our house....hands down her favorite time of day and she will make a mad dash for the tub, yelling "bath, bath!!!!" and pulling pieces of clothes off as she goes.  Piper's 2nd favorite time of the day is probably bedtime. When she is ready for "night night" there is no messing around with this girl!  Our mini gymnast is a total climber and jumper and we are grateful that she is so coordinated because it's next to impossible to stop her from attempting new feats.   
I love that she can now say "I wuv you too mama", that she still needs lots of holding and snuggling to get through the day and the sound that her little feet make when she goes scurrying through the house.  I love the way that she likes to have a job to do, the way that she jumps up and down and flaps her arms when she is excited and that she will drop down and lounge just about anywhere when she needs to rest. 
 Her favorite color is orange, her favorite food is pepperoni, she loves the song Baby Beluga and she could have 'Go Dog Go' and 'Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed' read to her over and over again.
  Her hair is finally long enough to pull into a sprout and she still has little curls in the back. 
  Everyday with Piper is full of so many surprises and we are so lucky that this smart, sweet, slightly ornery, snuggley little person is all ours to love!

I am not sure how I got so lucky to have 3 beautiful little girls that I get to watch grow,  but I am a blessed Mama for each and every one and I can't wait to see what your 3rd year brings Miss Piper Ryan!!! We love you so much!!! 

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