Monday, December 23, 2013

Santa Party!

This past Saturday was our annual Santa party!  This party is an event that I look forward to hosting every year, I love to see how all of these littles who were just babies when we started this tradition have grown into the goofy big kids they are today.  I also love that have added so many new little ones along the way who are getting to grow up with this Christmas tradition too!  This is the best possible Christmas jammie pic that I could get of my 3 goof balls pre-party.
This party has definitely grown over the years and it has evolved from an adult cocktail party with babies crawling around to an all out kid frenzy complete with cookies and hot cocoa. We were lucky to have lots of our favorite people there, but also a little sad that a few of the faces we love weren't able to make it.  The good news though is that the big guy was there!  Santa made his jolly appearance to listen carefully to Christmas wishes, spoil the kids with books and he even gave a special reading of 'The Night Before Christmas'
 Olivia's first meet and greet, she was clearly in awe :) 
Riley has come along way from her years as a terrified toddler when Santa arrived...
She was perfectly happy to sit with him and rifle off requests from her Christmas list.
Piper was a different story...she and Santa are not pals just yet.  Of course, that didn't stop us from plopping her in his lap for the obligatory picture.
An Olivia and Roo picture after Piper made a break for it.
Cute baby cousins with Santa!  We added 2 new babes to our family this year, Olivia and our little cousin Melody were born 2 weeks apart.

Story time with Santa and Piper keeping a safe distance

I completely forgot about the adorable photo booth props that I bought for the occasion until well after the kids were over photo ops, so Kris, Olivia and I posed instead. Oh well, next year!
Ho, Ho, Ho!!!!!

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