Saturday, December 14, 2013

Olivia is 3 Months Old!

Happy 3 months Olivia!
With Christmas in full swing, this month's milestone kind of snuck up on me.  Our baby is getting big soooo fast!
Olivia has had lots of 1sts this month...First Thanksgiving, tree hunt and first glimpse of Christmas lights although nothing is still more exciting than sleep to our little one.  She spends a good part of her day sleeping away and then still has it in her to sleep the night away too.  In my humble opinion...the perfect baby! 
When her eyes are open, she  is so full of smiles and even giggles for us now too!  She loves to be talked to and will coo and smile at you for as long as you can listen. 

She likes being snuggled and held but she also likes stretching out too.  Unlike her big sis, there is no preference for who is holding her, any warm pair of arms is perfect for nestling up.  When she is laying down she loves to look at her mobile and has been working very hard on getting control of her head.  She seems to be pretty strong already.  We haven't seen her roll over just yet, but I'm pretty sure that if she was left alone for long enough she probably could do it.  It's hard to get a lot of tummy time with a 2 year old sissy running around :)

So, the swing is also a good place for Olivia to hang out.  I love the little sideways glances she gives her sister like "Oh Piper..."
Olivia also got to meet her Great Aunt Judi and Great Uncle Larry who came all the way from Oklahoma
How spoiled are we by this sweet, happy baby?!  We can't wait to celebrate her first Christmas in a few days!


Katy said...

She is so stinking sweet! We need to get together soon so I can give Miss Olivia some snuggles. I love the tree hunting pictures too!

Jessica said...

She is so beautiful. I would love to meet her soon.